Team FSR show the spirit in LeMans

Another date to remember. Oct 29 and 30 2016...
Team FSR accepted the challenge of running the HPD on LeMans.
After a few weeks of practice and setup sessions (which culminated in using the out of the box iRacoing LeMans setup - stable but not race winner), the team demonstrated what FSR is all about. Fun and Friends...
We finished in a very reasonable position (26th out of 54 HPD cars).

Congrats to the whole team:
Here is our race highlights
Started in 32nd...Finished 26th 18 laps behind the leader.
Bruce took the challenge to keep us alive during the though start when everyone is trying to win on the first lap...It's crazy, over 300 laps, 24 hrs and some crazy guys trying to pass and crash on the first lap with cold tires...Oh well...
Our Iron Man Joel who did a 115 laps including a few double stints over night. Very steady pace that keep us going thru the night
Thomas, Marcel, James and Stu did a fantastic set of stints at a very regular pace keeping the car in great shape and avoiding accidents. Each of them
Giba was quick but had a major accident causing a 15 minutes delay.
In Summary, we all had fun and I hope we can make it again (and better position) in the next endurance event.