Keep Calm and Embrace Change :-)
In this new site, we will continue to have all the same features we have in the current site such as "Shout" and topics, race results and schedule for the 3 official series.
But we will also have a new features that could help us engage all active members, past members and possibly new members.
For example, I added a session of great iRacing Apps and Resources so you can easily find new apps to improve your driving (or make it worst because you have a lot of extra distraction like me... :-)
We can also post a calendar of special events and birthday calendars (coming soon).
The new site will help to organize info easier so if you are looking for an old setup or a paint file from Master Bruce or Marcel, you will easily find it.
Yes, like any change, it could take about 1 hr of pain to get used to, But nothing that a Tylenol and a few clicks can not resolve.

Additionally, I might borrow a great idea of one of our members (CaptBuddy) and do a small blog after each official race. It will probably be a nice way to keep a journal (Blog) of the fun we have together.
So I hope you enjoy and embrace this new FSR community site.